Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Why Common Sense Alternative Media Is Unstoppable

By Jody Leach

Media ownership and control has remained in the hands of a few individuals who have the financial muscle. They controlled what the public knew and the extent of the details. This trend has been interrupted by common sense alternative media. It has become more influential despite requiring less capital to setup and run.

Specialization- alternative platforms are distinguished by specialization on particular content and areas of focus. This has helped them create a loyal viewership that has genuine interest in the things they broadcast. Broadcast channels are specializing in one area as opposed to slots for each category in the planet. Such a station attracts its audience by offering the depth that is required in coverage to maintain the interest of viewers.

Specialization has seen the emergence of channels offering exclusive reality shows, soap operas, drama series, games and music, among other thematic content. Such exclusivity offers a guarantee that your favorite content will be available whenever you need to watch it. This has come to replace the cocktail programming that is characteristic of mainstream broadcasting tradition.

Production cost- starting up a broadcast outlet was expensive. One has to consider the cost of space and equipment, among other expenses. This trend has changed with expansion of technology to provide cheaper options. Quality sound can be produced through mobile phones and computer applications. The phones have apps to pick and edit images, sounds and graphics with excellent results.

Expanding internet space- the internet has provided an excellent opportunity for starters to showcase their work. There are blogs for persons interested in text where they can launch their careers. Video streaming sites like youtube offer an excellent broadcasting platform for any audio, graphic or visual content. There are no charges to operate on these platforms yet the reach is incredibly global.

Social media- the advent of social media has provided an instant environment for appreciation and criticism. Starters can post their work on twitter, facebook or instagram and request response before commercialization. There are no charges for such testing. It gives you confidence that what you are doing or planning is viable.

Domesticated content- people allover the world are leaning towards localized content. Broadcast is done in local languages and is creating an excellent opportunity to influence decisions at that level. The use of local languages is sidelining large broadcasting corporations and eating into their market share.

Instant reach- new media provides an opportunity to reach your audience within minutes. There are no schedules when you can access certain information and neither is there restriction on location. The channels have a global reach that is instantaneous. This makes them convenient and reliable sources of information compared to the traditionally scheduled broadcast.

The loss of market share by mainstream outlets is inevitable. The changing environment has resulted from an extremely selective audience. It comes with the advantage of variety with stiff competition arising out of the desire to deliver details. Mainstream broadcasters must change tact or be devoured into oblivion. The current wind is blowing towards a cheaper and open broadcast platform.

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