Saturday, June 8, 2019

School Technology Equipment To Simplify Learning

By Henry Long

The trend today is to create a simple learning environment that makes education enjoyable. This can be achieved through school technology equipment and gadgets that can perform a myriad of tasks. These gadgets are meant for both the teachers and students. Before investing in any gadget, you must assess your unique needs and find out which gadget will meet them.

Tech is not meant to replace the creative space that students are supposed to be provided with. Stuffing a school with all the gadgets might appear appealing but it should never overshadow the need for students to be creative in class. The gadgets should only be used to enhance learning in situations where teachers are experiencing difficulties.

The projector is growing in popularity by the day and is now almost an obvious part of a classroom. The technology that comes with projectors is very simple but will transform how teachers deliver their lessons and how students perceive learning. Images can be enlarged and presentations made in a systematic manner. The projector allows you to review specific slides or reverse a clip at the click of the controlling button. A teacher can walk throughout the class and make his or her presentation in a more interactive manner.

A smart-board has transformed the teaching experience a great deal. It provides an interactive way of teaching because the material you write on the board is transformed into digital markers. There are more sophisticated boards where you can scribble your learning material then turn and twist it around as you wish. This makes your learning, and especially demonstrations easier by animating them.

A laptop appears like an ordinary electronic gadget but is changing the way students interact with knowledge. It has transformed to come in the form of tablets and such other formats that are used for searching materials online, revising and perusing through handouts without having to use hardcover books. With a memory stick or WIFI, documents can be transferred instead of copying. This helps a teacher to maximize on time in class. The price of school-laptops and tablets has reduced significantly to make them more affordable to almost all students.

The use of hardcover books is gradually being faced out in favor of digital text books. Such books were difficult to share and cumbersome for students to carry around. There are gadgets that are allowing the use of digital text books. Sharing these books in class and using them for learning is made easier when they are in digital format.

Lecture capturing devices are gaining traction. There is great value in the content that a teacher gives in class. Lecture capturing devices are helping students to record the lecture verbatim and revise later. In case something was missed, you can revisit it. Students who were away for whatever reason will also find it easier follow the lesson that others shared.

Teachers and students have a myriad of options when it comes to technology. Your desired learning environment will determine the type of gadgets to choose. You also have to consider the resources at your disposal. These gadgets must be used for simplifying learning and not killing the creative ability of a student.

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