Are you looking to become a marketer on the Internet? If so, you should be aware of the various tools available to you. Among the tools in question are URL or link shorteners, which have become quite popular as of late. What you may not know about them, however, is that it's not as simple as plugging in links to make them effect. Here are a few do's and don'ts from online marketing companies that will, hopefully, help you get the most out of these tools as possible.
DO utilize only the tools you can rely on. If you think that URL shorteners are made the same, you'd be mistaken. According to reputable firms like fishbat, it's not far-fetched to use one of these tools, only for your URLs to come out broken. If you're trying to gain ground from an SEO standpoint, this will hinder your efforts. This is one of the many things that online marketing companies can tell you about URL shorteners.
DON'T let web browser extensions go unnoticed. URL shorteners are convenient tools, especially if you have the right extensions. Depending on the web browser you use, you may be able to download an extension that will shorten your URLs in no time. What this means is that you won't have to constantly visit the same site to do this. This will save you considerable time, which is the main reason why you should take the time to download your desired extension.
DO track your results. Did you know that your URL shortener can keep track of certain results? Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that you want to see how well your shortened link performs. Fortunately, your tool will be able to keep track of how many times said link is clicked, meaning that you'll have more information to work off of in the future. This is a tremendous benefit that more people should make note of.
DON'T think that shortened links are limited. In fact, you might have seen shortened links in various forms of content. These include, but aren't limited to, YouTube videos and Facebook updates. What these links do, in theory, is help your content come across as cleaner. As a result, there's an increased chance that you'll see more engagement moving forward. To say that this is beneficial would be nothing short of an understatement.
DO utilize only the tools you can rely on. If you think that URL shorteners are made the same, you'd be mistaken. According to reputable firms like fishbat, it's not far-fetched to use one of these tools, only for your URLs to come out broken. If you're trying to gain ground from an SEO standpoint, this will hinder your efforts. This is one of the many things that online marketing companies can tell you about URL shorteners.
DON'T let web browser extensions go unnoticed. URL shorteners are convenient tools, especially if you have the right extensions. Depending on the web browser you use, you may be able to download an extension that will shorten your URLs in no time. What this means is that you won't have to constantly visit the same site to do this. This will save you considerable time, which is the main reason why you should take the time to download your desired extension.
DO track your results. Did you know that your URL shortener can keep track of certain results? Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that you want to see how well your shortened link performs. Fortunately, your tool will be able to keep track of how many times said link is clicked, meaning that you'll have more information to work off of in the future. This is a tremendous benefit that more people should make note of.
DON'T think that shortened links are limited. In fact, you might have seen shortened links in various forms of content. These include, but aren't limited to, YouTube videos and Facebook updates. What these links do, in theory, is help your content come across as cleaner. As a result, there's an increased chance that you'll see more engagement moving forward. To say that this is beneficial would be nothing short of an understatement.
About the Author:
For more information about what you have just read, please consult fishbat.. This article, The Do's And Don'ts Of Link Shorteners, From Online Marketing Companies has free reprint rights.
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