Thursday, December 15, 2016

Preparing For The UPSC Or The IAS Exams

By Alxa Robin

Few years ago the selection test for the UPSC or the Union Public Service Commission was updated and the new recruitment process is otherwise known as the CSAT or the Civil Service Aptitude Test, since 2011. There have been no changes made in the Civil service mains examination or in the civil service personality interview level of the UPSC exam.

The qualities that an individual has to have in order to accomplish it, is grit, perseverance and determination for doing hard work. Here are some of the very important tips that you need to keep in mind while preparing for the Civil Service examinations which is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission.

For general information, the prelims examination consists of two papers, which have multiple choice questions and have maximum marks of 400. The exams consists of two compulsory question papers each concerning of 200 marks, the question papers are available both in English and in Hindi. In case the question paper is meant to test your English skills, then the passage in the question will be in English only without providing you with any Hindi translation. The duration for each of the paper is for two hours; however candidates with physical disability are given twenty minutes extra time for each paper.

The prelims exams are just considered to be a screening test only and the marks obtained by the candidates are used to determine who have qualified for admission to the mains examination; however these marks shall not be considered as to determine the final order of merit. The candidates that have been qualified by the UPSC itself only have the eligibility to sit for the mains examination of the year, including if they are eligible for admission to the mains examination.

You have to plan accordingly once you have made the decision of appearing for the civil service examination, firstly you will have to choose the optional subjects for the prelims and you can choose the second subject later on. The first decision you have to make is to choose which subject are you going to choose as the first optional.

Having a good study plan is the most important thing that you need to keep in mind. With the pattern changes and the introduction of CSAT, you need to make sure that you complete most of your exam portion of the Mains before January and then all your focus must be on the CSAT.

Qualification for the Civil Service examination is having any degree from a recognized university or an equivalent qualification. Candidates that are due for the qualification exams are also eligible to sit for the civil service prelims examination. Every candidate that is qualified to appear for the mains examination has to make sure to provide the proof that it has passed the qualifying examination and also the admission application for the mains examination.

It is very often found that candidates focus more on the optional and ignore the preparation for the general studies paper, up till the last month of the exam. This is not the right thing to do as the UPSC has increased the priority for the general studies paper and therefore the prelims are found to be based more on the general knowledge then the rotten knowledge an individual possesses. It is very important to be in sync with the advancements and the developments in India and even worldwide, as the mains papers too are more focused on your analytical and general knowledge.

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