Saturday, April 5, 2014

Some Updated Strategies For On-Page SEO

By Rahmah Sajid

You already know that SEO is constantly changing and what worked before may not be working right now. This is true for both on-page and off-page SEO. In this article, we're going to give you an updated list of on-page SEO strategies that you can implement on your website right now.

If you want to improve your chances of ranking on page 1 for your specific keyword terms, there are some updated on page SEO strategies that you need to implement in order to bypass the updates that are made every few months. Here are a couple search engine optimization strategies that are necessary for ranking well this year.

As a basic on-page SEO strategy rule, you should be aware that over-optimization may bring you a severe penalty which is very hard to get rid of. This is why you need to keep your keyword density low and use a lot of words, phrases and specialty terms that are related to your main keyword.

All of your articles on dieting should be in that category only, and not other categories which may consist of exercise routines or supplements. By doing this, it shows the search engines that your content is being organized appropriately, and they will reward you by ranking your website for each of the search terms you are targeting.

As you can see from above, there are many on-page factors that can affect your rankings in Google. It's important to note that in order to make your ranking stick on Google, you must write content that is at least 800 words. This is really a good sign to show to Google.

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