Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tips For Buying AKC Yorkie Parti Puppies

By Michael Ward

the Yorkie has remained among the most common dog breeds across the world but the introduction of the parti includes a rare coat color that less popular than its cousins. Having received recognition in 2000, the parti Yorkie is purebred with its white and tan markings. With the purchase of AKC Yorkie parti puppies, you can find a beautiful pet to become part of your family.

The parti Yorkie is a beautiful, friendly breed that possesses an incredible personality and temperament similar to the black and tan pups. Such canines include the most adoring personalities and include registration with the American Kennel Club. A registered seller who is reputable and experienced will produce the healthiest litters for dedicated families.

If you are interested in the rare parti pup, the first step is to perform some research into the breed and available breeders who specialize in this coat color. It is important to look for certified breeders as these puppies can be registered with the AKC. Do not risk spending a great deal on pups from breeders who are not registered but promise the delivery of partis.

By searching online you can find the relevant website of the seller of interest. The website should detail when litters are available and include information about the breed including updated pictures and images of past litters. The details presented online should be relevant and true to the breed from its appearance and pedigree to the characteristics of Yorkies.

AKC registered breeders who specialize in rare Yorkie puppies will produce certification that conforms to the breed standard. The certificate that comes with your pup should detail the lineage of the parents, grandparents and past generations that were part of the bloodline. A seller who is not registered will not be able to present the necessary documentation as proof and should be avoided.

A reliable seller will take every care to maintain the well-being of breeding pairs and the litters produced. The parti puppy must be raised underfoot and prove well-socialized to prevent difficulties when entering the new home environment. A breeder you can trust will answer your questions with a knowledgeable approach and assure a good fit between puppy and owner.

Reliable sellers will invest in the clinical care of each pup before being sold as it provides the new owner the peace of mind only the healthiest pets are sought. A veterinarian must be consulted who can complete a detailed evaluation of physical healthcare and provide puppies updated vaccinations. All Yorkie pups must receive updated vaccinations and anti-parasitic medication before leaving to the new home.

The parti Yorkie is a beautiful pet with its white fur and tan and black markings. It is considered rare and exotic but possesses the same breeding standard and characteristics as the more common black and tan line of Yorkies. To find the ideal parti Yorkie, consult with your breeder and learn why these dogs remain the top choice of pet for all families.

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